REWIEW “Game Changer”


“Game Changer” of Tommy Greenwald

This book is very adrenaline-pumping and exciting. 

You often feel the need to have to read it to understand how the story will end and to figure out the ending.

It is not written in the tradition written in prose but the dialogues and thoughts of the protagonists are described in the first person. In addition, the author, in certain cases decides to write and show the text of certain conversations, for example on phone chats or social media posts.

I really liked this change in the way the text is written because it makes the text smoother and more exciting to read.

It tells the story of a boy named Ted Youngblood, during the preparatory phase of the early soccer season, is severely injured in the head, going into a coma for the next few days.

Initially thought to have been a purely accidental and unfortunate incident, in fact the whole school sympathizes with the family’s grief and several classmates create a Facebook social in support of the boy.

However, the behavior of certain people, especially Ethan,ted’s best friend, suggest that the truth behind the tragic accident is a little deeper.

In fact, right on the social profile, an anonymous nickname begins to somment under posts suggesting that there are motives behind the accident.

It will eventually be Ethan who confesses that on that day, the Senior boys incited the Freschmen boys to clash as hard as they could through tough contrasts, to prove that they are good players and not afraid of anything. Ethan himself, encouraged by the crowd of boys (including even the coaches) and Ted himself, hits his friend with full force, subsequently causing him to suffer a head injury.

The story ends with Ethan confessing the story to Ted’s parents, who just then miraculously wakes up saying, “I remember.”

It is a book that succeeds in drawing you into the story, and I recommend it for all readers who like mystery or stories with an ending to be discovered

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