Fire from the Sky by Moa Backe Åstot

This heartwarming story is about a boy named Ante. He loves his family, his culture, his heritage, and his best friend. With the struggle of trying to hold on to his culture he also struggles with his relationships. He’s never heard about any Sami’s who was just like him. It’s very rare, and Ante had only heard rumors. That people just like him, fleas away from their homes. But he doesn’t want that. He also doesn’t want his best friend, Erik, to find out about him. He’s already confused with the mixed signals he receives, but telling him? It’s much more complicated. Not to mention Erik already is in a relationship. The pressure of trying to hide who Ante really is, just leads him to have more stress. As Ante navigates through all this, he finds out truth, and secrets that he never knew. Ante unravels the culture of the Sami, and weaves through his life, trying to find an ending he’s happy with. Will he finally relieve himself of this stress, or will he just end up hurt in the end?

Fire from the sky is a heartwarming, with a mix of sadness in it. Moa really depicted well on how the Sami culture worked, and what they do. And that sometimes being different from the rest of your culture. The story really bings out how hard it is to tell someone that you like them, and especially if your trying to live up to your culture and heritage. This is much different love story I’ve read. It’s based on a real life culture, and shows the struggles of a boys life. I’ve only read books that show boys as the people who keep their calm, and composure. But Ante shows how boys can actually have stress, and mental breakdowns as well. It isn’t just the women. Some people just have a hard time admitting it. The author also put it in simple terms. No big words, and no big plot. Just a teenage boy who’s struggling to deal with his life.

But Fire from the Sky also had some minor set backs on it. The ending of this book was very sweet, but it didn’t give enough. I’ve asked myself questions like: “What did his parents think?” and “Was Ante accepted?” I wanted the ending to have more detail on his journey of acceptance, and coming out. Just to find out how the other characters would think of it. And especially what his parents reactions could be. Just having that information sets all questions aside, and gives it the final touch, in my opinion.

Fire from the Sky is a novel for people who love queer books, or just want a change of page of romance. It’s those kind of books where the main characters don’t kiss until the end, and your at the edge of your seat. It builded up to that moment, so if readers love suspension, and heartwarming plot, this is the book they might want to consider.

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