Cold by Mariko Tamaki

Cold by Mariko Tamaki stars a girl named Georgia and a boy named Todd. Todd was dead, and he hovers over the policemen that try to crack the mystery of his murder. He reminisces about his old life and trails back to the moment his life ended. Georgia hears the news of Todd’s dead body, and it hooks her in. She couldn’t figure out what was luring her in, but she tries to find the murderer anyway. She listens to the news, her friend, her brother and suspects the culprit was nearer than she thought. Georgia discovers secrets, lies, but also a bit of love. balancing her regular life with a murder mystery like this she never expects to know the secret that has been looming around since Todd’s death.

Cold is not much of a love story book, but has some spots where it shows that. I enjoyed reading it, especially for the plot. The mystery behind Todd’s death was quite luring, and got me wondering who the culprit was. Gathering the knowledge that Georgia and Todd had in this story. And it really does show how hard it is to be an outcast, in a school. The struggles of trying to fit in when you don’t. And maybe friendships that help you. Another thing is that Georgia was kind of helping Todd’s case. She never knew him, and yet she tries to help with his murder mystery. And that spark of kindness was heartwarming to me.

I especially like Todd’s character because he had so many struggles in school. He was an outcast, a nerd, and queer. And yet he still manages to trudge through life. And it’s the same with Georgia, she has a friend, but she still suffered. I liked how the two had so much in common, even though they really never knew each other.

One thing I might dislike about this book is probably the relationships. particularly Todd and the person he loved. I wish it went into more detail about their relationship, and maybe what that person’s feelings are for Todd are. it’s something I find interesting. A conformation of the relationship in this novel or any novel is what I’m interested to look for, or if there even is a relationship.

Cold is a marvelous book and I recommend this book for people who might enjoy a thrill of a little mystery. Especially if that person loves to read about LGBTQ+ books.

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