Holes by Louis Sachar

Holes is a wonderful novel Written about a young boy named Stanley Yelnats who is wrongfully accused of stealing a pair of sneakers and sent to a Juvenile Detention Center called Camp Green Lake. Stanley is an overweight teen that doesn’t have many friends, and because his no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grand-father didn’t keep his promise to the one-legged Gypsie Madame Zeroni his family is thought to be cursed. Camp Green Lake is a detention center where they have the teens rehabilitated by having them dig one 5×5 hole in the dessert everyday. What the Government didn’t know was that the lady that ran the place, Warden Walker, was only after a treasure that a outlaw buried there a long time ago.

Stanley goes through hell, figuratively and literally, with being tormented by the Wardens assistant, Mr. Sir, and having to spend all day outside in the sun digging a hole big enough for a grave. A camper called Zero seemed to like Stanley, with only really communicating with him. Stanley and them become friends and they strike up a deal, since Zero couldn’t read or write Stanley would teach him if Zero helped mdig his hole. As Zero and Stanley both love their arrangement the other campers find it to be unfair because they had to dig the whole of their hole while Stanley got help, with all the hostility from the others they both end up leaving Green lake and unintentally unknots the mistakes of their past.

I really enjoyed this book, it is told in both the story of Stanley and his no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grand-father so we learn a lot from his and another campers past. There are so many surprises in the novel so it isnt so predictable and it keeps the reader laughing. I feel this book is great for any reader, is has a very interesting storyline and it is a very funny novel. Its not a very complicated book so it may not be read by a lot of high level readers, but it is also just a good night time novel to relax and enjoy.

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