A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas

“A Court of Mist and Fury” by Sarah J. Maas is fantasy book, and the second book in its series, which follows the main character Feyre and her life after being under the mountain in the first book. Following where the events in the first book left off, Feyre struggles severely with PTSD and anxiety. This book starts off a bit after where the first book left off, and the characters relationships seem to have shifted since the first book. Feyre goes to the night court because of the deal she made in the first book, and she is warned that it appears there will be war coming soon. She begins balancing her life between her two homes along with finding who she is now that her life is different.

I liked this book more than the first book because the characters had more depth and there was more world building. Along with that, there are so many new friendships, which is something I always look for in a book. I couldn’t put this book down because there was never a dull moment in the whole story. The only thing I didn’t like in the book was how the author repeated phrases a lot, which got very redundant. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys books that have a romance sub-plot, and people who like books with a lot of world building.

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