Why We Fly by Kimberly Jones and Gilly Segal

Why we fly is a book about these two cheerleaders. One cheerleader named Elenor had a terrible accident and got a very bad concussion and was out for the rest of the season. Her best friend Chanel went to cheer camp over the summer while Elenor was stuck in PT all summer. When Eleanor was in PT her eye catches Franklin High’s record-breaking quarterback. While Chanel is gone the boy and Eleanor hang out every day. They drive to PT together and even flirt on and off. Chanel and Eleanor are best friends so when Eleanor gets named team captain Chanel kinda steps back and focuses on herself. Then we meet Cody, He is on the news for taking a knee at the game. Inspired by Cody and a lot of the other comments on the team, Eleanor decides to let the whole cheer team take a knee during the National Anthem at the game which gets them kicked off the field. The only person who gets suspended is the only person of color on the team which is Chanel. That gets a lot of hate and that affects her life after high school and Eleanor feels responsible and terrible for how everything went down. 

This book is such an inspiring book, it shows a side of Eleanor and a side of Chanel and I never got confused about whose world I was in. I really hope people read this book with a clear mind. The ending was surprising but overall it was an amazing book. Even if you have no clue what cheerleading is or have an idea about cheerleading but have never played, you can still read this book because there’s a bigger picture to it.

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